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Monday, May 6, 2013

Monday Maddness and Wet Nights

Where to start?  I guess I should go back to how this turned into a Mad Monday.   My 4 year old daughter has been potty trained since she was 20 months old.  She never wore pull ups or goodnites.  Went straight to painties one day and never looked back.  Yeah so easy!  Never had an accident after that unless she was sick, ex.  phuenomonia, bronchithis, or UTI.  Since Tuesday last week she has been wetting the bed once or twice a night.  Also day time accidents.  Never been a problem, like I said.  And the few times before this happened she was totally embarassed and cried.  Begged not to tell on her.  This is different.  She is vaugely saying she is burning and the potty hurts her?  But only after prompting.  If left for her to answer she simply said she forgot, couldn't make it, or she didn't remember.  

Now onto today.  While my husband was out on call Sunday, I stumbled onto an email from Taylor Hewlett.  She is on Youtube.com  I had prevously asked about her Home Management Binder Pages.  In response she sent me copies of some of her pages she had made.  Due to the lack of ink for the printer the email was saved to a folder and forgotten.  Since on my quest to update, use it or move it or lose it, binder Redo, I decided most of what she sent I could just write out for now.  In the mix she sent a copy of her Household Rules.  I have to say I loved it.  Simple and things I need to work on with my family.  So I wrote out the ones that applied to my family and read it to everyone.  This morning after breakfast I re-read it to my daughter.  She repeated it back almost word for word with her take on what it means.  Easy as Pie?  I thought But no. 

After wetting the couch were she fell asleep last night, and Monday a hair wash day anyway, when I told her to let me wash her hair it turned into a 4 hour fight.  Ended with me putting her clothes on and her crying over a picture of us at the Titanic in Tennessee on vacation last year.  Told me she wanted to be a baby or go back to just us 3.  NO BABY!

I am totally unprepaired for this and do not know anyone to ask for help.  My sis-in-law only has one girl.  Could the bed wetting be a form of rebellion?  And how do I make her feel more importat and show her I still love her?  I always try to include her.  But we butt heads alot.  Over telling me NO, hitting, and not PUPA of toys.  I am lost and do not what my relationship with my daughter to end badly.   I am going to stick to play time and chores.  And hopefully with adding The Rules and really using Time Out some things will improve.  Please help salvage my relationship with my girl before it is to late.      Asking-on hands and knees please give advise......My tears are still rolling down my cheek.

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