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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Oh My Mind Is Working

Why did I not downsixe or organize my Home Management Binder to my liking?  Great question!  I do have one thought.  Instead of starting with the pages and tips on organizedhome.com like I said I would do I just used the divider ideas.  I also for some reason thought I should include every tab even if it do not apply to my family.  So weird of me like I said believe I am OCD.  Also I tried to stick everything I had in one binder, and I have always known I wanted seperate binders.  I added all these things I might or just want to use.  I did not stick to my get rid of it all and start fresh rule. Bad Girl!! 

So since I did so much yesterday.  I did more that I did not add after my last post.  I am on strike today.  I am going to go to the master bed or outside on our porch so my dd(dear daughter) can play if warm enough and I am going to really try to be more organized.  I have to get more strick with my time and break the internet habit.  I will work on that starting Monday.  I do need it for inspiration and to find the pages I do need or will really use. 

Okay back to my new game plan:
  1. Find an old box (probably a Luvs diaper box that I have not gotten all the diapers out of)
  2. Open ring on binder and neatly stack all pages in box like a filing cabinet.
  3. Add any loose papers floating around desk or have been packing with me - except my pages I am rewritting.
  4. Admit it is okay and I kind of like some things hand written
  5. Do a major delete of saved bookmarks, emails that I have not read or saved in a folder just in case.
  6. Then open up flylady.net and organized home.com 
  7. Now look at what I really like on these sites and make a list of how I want to add to my binder
  8. go through any other sites I might remember or google and find
  9. Make a list of only the pages or ideas I want to add to my life, home, and binders.
  10. Thursday when at Library class with daughter, print what pages I want to start using first. 
Now I will update this throught the day either edit this or make small posts.  So wish me luck!  And since hubby forgot my birthday today I think I will ask for ink for my printer and a few dividers and page protectors.  BBL 

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