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Thursday, April 25, 2013

how to reorganize me? One step in the right direction, I hope!

Yesterday I did make my whats in my diaper bag video and posted on youtube.com  Not the best by far, but so proud I had the courage to go through with it.  I havent gotton any views yet.  Hope that changes soon and I can make a plan on what and when to blog or vlog.  Right now this is more just a diary of sorts. A place for me to ramble and hopefully one day have friends to help guide me in my glorious journey of life.  

So, previously I have mentioned my struggling with orgazination, time management, religion, and well everything.  I did not have role models growing up.  My mom is an alocholic, my father a drug addict.  He was physically and mentally abusive, to me and my mother and there was sexual abuse.  Needless to say not the best start.  But after a terrible round of my own  with addiction and loosing 4 wonderful children, I have made a life change.  About 6 years ago, I started seeing a friend from childhood.  We both had our own demons and were just lonely and looking for company. By some miricle we met that night and stayed together almost every day and night since.  He got a job, we went from a run down trailor with no utilities to a home we own and a good vechicle.  We have 2 perfect children of our own and he does anything I need for support.  He saved me.  And God gave me my angles to keep me on course. 

Sorry I am rambling and off topic.  The point I wanted to make is I never had reason to organize, or clean.  Now I have tons of reasons to.  But I just can't get on a schedule to suit our life.  I am very OCD on some things I like to do them in order and perferrably about the same day and time.  But I am trying to combine to many things and getting further behind.  I need a good routine.  flylady.net is great!  Just to vauge in some areas. I like detailed lists from wheter to bath or shower to brushing my teeth to everything in the room that I should clean. I have more zones  and do not know how to fit them into her system.  I have not checked my email in a week for not wanting to deal with all the sites and blogs I have subscribed to. 

My attempt at a home management binder has cost me 3 rounds of ink and more wasted hours and paper than I am proud to admit.  And I still am not using it or satified with it.  I have a 3 inch binder I believe that I found in the mess the previous home owners left.  It will not close and I honestly do not use any of it now.  I need to hit delete on my lists, stop looking at sites and blogs, and throw away everything that I can get back easily if want.  I am pretty happy with my divided sections but not the content. 

Now I see that to really enjoy my home and my family I have to figure this out.  I need to start with one idea or habit at a time.  I will revisit flylady today and the babysteps.  I know it is on the web and I do not need to copy every word or email by hand and keep it.  On the other hand my OCD will want to write every word I see and check it off. 

So I think I have typed myself into my first true challenge!  I need to reorganize me.  My binder, my routine, and realize if it is on the web I will find it back if need to.   So how to start?  I will delete, trash, get rid of  all I can.  I will start back over.  Hopefully for the last time.  I have to do this for my family and myself.   I have a clean home but I need to do it more effecient with less yelling.  I need to put more time into my children instead of using the tv as a babysitter.  I have to find activities to meet people instead of sitting here alone and depressed. 

My biggest challenge is ink and lack of funds to purchase more.  If only I had a magic ink fairy to help.  And a way to have time alone to completely concentrate on these things.   But I will make all the pages I can, best as I can by hand. 

How do I keep this fire under my bum lit?  I need encouragement tips and ideas.  I basically need someone to hold my hand!  Any volunteers?    Time to get off here and get to it.  First up bath, dress, and start getting rid of things.  Then 15 min decluttering, and 15 min researching.  There are a few sites and blogs I really like.  I will post them later and give credit to all.  But I need to stick with just clearing off computer and bookmarks on it.  Listing where and what I like and finding a way to combine them in my journey...Wish me luck!!  Will try to give pics to show progress and how terrible I am. 

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